Femdom Nurse – Part 1

The Faculty Nurse Sparked The Taste of mine For Bondage The Faculty Nurse Set Fire to My Bondage Fantasies The Faculty Nurse Set Alight My Taste For Bondage

I was at the moment, only twenty two years old, and in the last year of mine of faculty. It altered me for life. It was regular exercise of the nurse from the National Faculty Board to check out the faculty every 6 months. Simply to make certain that us faculty children were all strong, and there was no epidemics of any kind, going about. In the last year of mine of faculty, at twenty two years old, something happened that changed the sexual tastes of mine for ever. The National Faculty Board utilized to send the faculty nurse out to other boys university’s about every 6 months. This was done checking we were not being punished, there have been no epidemics and we have been all healthy and fit. I was in my final faculty year, in an all boys faculty; only twenty two, however new for the age of mine, and also we had been anticipating a trip out of the faculty nurse. The National Faculty Board delivered one around every six weeks to make certain were were not holding some dread diseases, nits or even going through punishment.

On the early morning of the appearance of her, all of the boys at faculty had been necessary to remove practically naked: using just our gym shorts and underpants, and remain in a queue; Waiting to get into the nurse’s office being analyzed, one by a single. I was an extremely pretty small boy: big blue eyes, curly blonde locks and. In-fact; I looked a lot like quite a teenaged female. The early morning of the visit of her, everyone needed to strip down almost naked and wait around for our turn to see her. We stood in the queue giggling nervously and longing to be analyzed by her one on a single. I was a pretty boy, curly blond hair, surfers tan and large blue eyes, much more like a pretty female really. We had been expected to strip down to your gym shorts & underpants on the early morning of her long anticipated wait and arrival. Giggling and punching one another with nerves, we lined up and waited for the evaluation. I was (still am) a pretty boy, blond curly hair, big blue eyes along with a surfers tan.

After chilling in the queue for nearly all of the early morning and bored stiff, with all of the boys punching one another and giggling, it was the turn of mine to go into the nurse’s office. We spent the majority of the early morning queuing and weary as heck. The various other boys thought they had been obtaining the morning off classes, then came the turn of mine to go into the workplace. The morning was boring, and also nerve wrecking, whenever we have 1 boy closer to the doorstep of the nurses office, our adrenaline kicked in and the endorphins rushed through out bodies
On putting in I watched a desk with 2 chairs, an evaluation bed, and small cupboard full of medicine. Elegantly leaning in the space, was a very long slim piece of cane: it oozed discipline!

Immediately it sent the information to me; this wasn’t a “day off”! It looked like a typical nurse’s office, two chairs, desk, cabinet and examination table! But what caught the eye of mine, was a cane in the corner that oozed discipline. This sent a message out to my bored brain. Next came the turn of mine, endorphins pumping I joined the workplace. It were normal, an examination table, two chairs, desk, and medicine cabinet. But there is anything different, it looked from position, a cane standing in the corner, oozing “discipline”. Bang! My bored brain kick started again.