SubSpace – Red light to play?

I just read an interesting thread in a group. I prefer not to join in that discussion since the group is unrepresentative of my own lifestyle, and I joined to answer some very specific posts, so I wouldn’t want to interfere, or be disruptive of their views… but I did wonder what others here think about this in general terms.

I should add the thread related to play within a serious PE relationship, so we are not discussing casual or club play here.

The question was asked ‘what should I do when my sub enters subspace?’

The replies came back that you should cease play immediately, and move straight into aftercare, or give him/her space to come down.

Honestly, that’s a surprising opinion to me… but it was being voiced pretty much unanimously by submissive respondants, so who am I to argue?

What I can say however, is that most of the girls I have known and played with would be devastated if the scene ceased the moment they dropped into subspace.

Now I do realise the additional risks of playing on in an altered state of mind of course – and certainly a top/Dom needs to be able to recognise subspace, and be aware that he is no longer getting rational responses – so the onus and responsibility for safety and judgement falls much more upon him at that point. It’s also true that many people find it impossible to safeword in subspace.

So there are undoubtably risks involved.

BDSM photos by Shadow Slaves

However, for many submissive women I have known subspace is a goal, and something they specifically seek and enjoy during play, so to stop the moment it hit would be similar to a ruined orgasm.

I know what my experience has been, but clearly many others have a completely different experience, so I’m truly interested in the different opinions; not arguing one way or the other. My question is how do people see subspace, and how do they respond to it?

Responses from both the sub and Dom perspective are appreciated, but please from personal experience, rather than stuff you have read or think of as ‘rules’.

BDSM photos by Shadow Slaves

I’m posting this on my profile rather than in a group in the hope of getting a response from a subset of the scene which equates to ‘people who might look at my profile’ – The hope being I can avoid the ‘true path’ elders, trolls, ego warriors and antagonists, and keep the discussion seperate from any specific dynamic a group might be tied to.

By Magick of Shadow Slaves